Some goddesses are puzzled by me...
I don't know whether to rant about religious freedoms and how sick I am of having other's beliefs shoved down my throat, or to confess how scaring being the mother goddess is to a teenage boy and girl....hmmm.
The rant is less petrifying!
Goddesses emerge! How often have you been in a blissful mood contemplating nature and had it ruined by some yay hoo creeping through talking up his version of god, the hearafter and damnation? Don't get me wrong; I don't have anything against, God, his hearafter or his damnation....I just see things from my own goddess slant and my views aren't nearly as ugly to my mind as theirs are (or as pedantic...nice word, to remember that! ;D )
I don't care what your religion is, if you are a 'good' person in this world trying to be peaceful and make the right decisions for yourself I admire you. If you are striving to protect the world and change it, I admire you....but when your "protection" takes the form of looking after my ever lovin' soul while you can spit and swear and be nasty to my face....I'll pray for you and that your sad soul will find some kind of enlightment and happiness from somewhere so you'll feel less like you have to rain on another's parade and to take charge of your neighbor's life, mind, and actions. My actions are my own and I stand prowd in defense of them.
I'm pretty darn patriotic for a goddess....I'm also pretty motherly to about every kid/adult I meet. The older I get, the less I want to judge people and the more I want to comfort them. Sgt Patrick Stewart's story just pissed me off... I was so glad that Celia actually wrote a song about this and some other things that have happened in our so 'enlightened' country.
This song might as well be an anthem for closet pagans. Coming out of the closet doesn't really affect me anymore, as a goddess, I'm above that.
But I worry about a town that has 6 churches for less than 2,000 people and how they will react to my children. My dd already gets enough crap for being intelligent, pretty, and resistant to taking off her Thor's Hammer....whew! I thought I was going to have to go to the school board over it during volleyball season. Even in MY day we were allowed to wear religious emblems during sports as long as we taped them down to our chests so they wouldn't bounce out and maybe hit an eye or catch a finger.
My ds is more laid back about confronting people on the issues of faith, but MUCH more judgemental about how they treat him. He sees no value in these Christian religions and what lessons they are teaching about behavior based on the kids and adults around him...I wish I could disagree with him. He's also managed to make the rabid Jehovah's Witness in his class tone down his rhetoric when they are together. My miltant son, R, has made him see that his beliefs DON'T give him the right to offend others about their beliefs. (Man, maybe my son should talk to Al Queda....oh hell no, they'd bomb us for sure and I'd be out a son!)
I want my children to understand Christianity because it is so pervasive in our society that they will need some of those references to function well. BUT, I also want my children to have the Pagan's higher what you will and it harm none...and to take the Rule of 3 to heart. Filling a heart with love and loving others and our planet is not just rhetoric to me....I really do try every day of my life. Sometimes I'm a b*tch goddess, or an angry crone goddess and don't quite have the compassion I'm trying for...but I hope to the gods that I judge less than the fanatics around me.
You know you've done something right as a mother goddess when your dd comes home from a summer bible study at a local church (her first ever last year!) and says, "It was okay mom, the people were fine....but I just didn't understand or agree with the way they kept saying to leave everything to God and he would take care of them, and that it was all God's decision...Mom, what happened to people taking responsibility for themselves? Don't Christian's have to do that too?"
Out of the mouths of pre-teens...I felt a proud moment, knowing that she had learned to think for herself and that faith without will and responsibility leaves a bunch of immature people running around waiting on someone else to pick up the pieces while they follow blind doctrine. (Yes, that's a little harsh, but I do read the Bible, and the Quaran, the I Ching, Wiccan books and just about any holy book I can get my hands on. Am still looking for a reasonable copy of the Book of Mormon to study and the Apocrypha.)
Who's going to pick up that piece of trash on the side of the road? (human being, hurt animal, or crying child) .....hmmm.....maybe those of us who see it and worry more about taking responsibility for the cleanliness of our enviroment than those who ignore it thinking that God will provide?
At least that's what this puzzled goddess thinks for time why don't I talk about parenting....then I can talk politics after that and I can piss EVERYBODY off!
Blessing on you all from a puzzled goddess.
The GoFundMe Wall Fundraiser Was Always Bullshit
So, Brian Kolfage is refunding all of the donations for his Build The Wall
fundraiser. I made a joke on a social media thread that the man had no
number se...
6 years ago
The fundamentalist's path is a very difficult one. Believing that your friends, family, and neighbors are going to hell because they don't believe exactly what you do, is a hell unto itself.
I will never forget my own children being shunned by their "christian" friends because they believe that there are many paths to god. They both told us they did not believe in god if god sends people to hell. It broke my heart to see how hurt they were by these friends' belief.
They have since both developed their spiritualism and connectedness to the nature and the universe.
I can really relate to everything you have said here. Thanks for pondering and puzzling.
You're right. I sometimes find myself lacking your compassion when dealing with the Fundamentalist viewpoint.
I remember my daughter's fear of her best friend's parents (who were born again fundamentalists) "finding out" that far from not going to church, we considered our "church" to be around us everyday.
I so wanted to slap her mother upside the head and make her see what she was doing by limiting her daughter's life as she was (Creationist teachings, heavy and constant banning of books, tv and information.) But I did realize, even then, that the mother's life was much better as a fundie than it had been when she and her hubby were drug addicts which she admitted to me as part of her testifying. Both came from abuser families and were trying to climb out of that I kept my mouth shut and praised her daughter's manners and the fact that they had found something that would allow them to climb out of that cycle of abuse...
Though I'm sometimes not sure if a fanatical fundie is any different from a fanatic abuser of another sort. :)
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