13 August, 2008

Reality, schmality and who took my religion...

Some goddesses are puzzled by this...like me...

I really couldn't believe anyone would be that tacky when I read it in a Pagan blog I follow. I mean, how can something so personal be spread out on reality tv...oh, right, I forgot Flavor Faves (or whatever) and the Bachelor...hmmm

This is just more out to lunch then I believed any show would get. Why do I even wonder? I never watch TV for a reason. Movies, Discovery and History channel with the occassional CSI. The way I'm feeling about this was expressed really well by one of the columnists, Charlie Brooker, at The Guardian in the UK. This is just insane.

But, for reality TV, the more insane the better, right? The guy heading this show up sounds like the most insane of all....anything for a headline.

I have no clue why the people that are on this would volunteer for this kind of insanity. I just don't get it. People fling religion in your face often enough whether you want it or not. Why go out looking for the hassle?

I had some hope for a balanced world someday....why do I keep reading or watching the Christian media and losing it?

from a head shaking puzzled goddess wishing I had the excuse of drugs making me see it ...

1 comment:

Kami said...

Oh. My. Goddess!

I'll pass on this one I think. But, look at it this way. It's not supposed to be informative. It's supposed to be entertainment, along the lines of pitting lions against criminals and chariot races. It's a circus in the old sense of the word.

Yuck. Yuck I say, yuck. And of course the Christians are doing a brilliant job of converting the 'sinners.' Not! Personally, I'm not motivated by "you're going to Hell." I think I would have laughed instead of leaving the room crying. And then started asking questions.

What is this Hell you speak of?
Who decides, really, who goes there? Aren't some the rules, like about what you eat and stuff, kinda arbitrary? And what about the whole salvation thing? Because so many people are adulterers I think Hell might be full by now unless there was a process of forgiveness. And if you're forgiven for transgressions against the Ten Commandments why wouldn't you be forgiven for pretty much anything?
Why would an enlightened being set up Hell in the first place? Why not just destroy the souls if they can't be redeemed, ever? Or is the eternity in Hell just a scare tactic?

I think I'd be cast out as being a follower of the devil or something in very short order. I know the Mormons fear me. I (oops!) made one of their members curious about his Native American background. They sent the big guns to talk to me the next time and then, when I was still friendly and nice and able to hold a conversation with the big boys, they never came back.

Being an intelligent woman firmly grounded in paganism gives me a huge advantage over followers of a poorly organized metaphor.